Preface: 一个中英文非虚构写作者的探索手记/ A Memo on Dislocation, in places and in writings

“新写作 Xin Writing,试图进行一项没有太多人尝试过的事情:将中英文创意写作融汇贯通起来探讨,寻求它们之间的共同性,又欣赏它们各自独立的美感。这是基于我自己用两种语言学习创意写作过程的体验,加上双语阅读的体会。“

Preface: 一个中英文非虚构写作者的探索手记/ A Memo on Dislocation, in places and in writings
Photo by Clay Banks / Unsplash









新写作 Xin Writing,试图进行一项没有太多人尝试过的事情:将中英文创意写作融汇贯通起来探讨,寻求它们之间的共同性,又欣赏它们各自独立的美感。这是基于我自己用两种语言学习创意写作过程的体验,加上双语阅读的体会。


欢迎你订阅这个Newsletter, 无论你对中文还是英文的写作感兴趣,我们都有很多共同话题。在这里也能找到很多新朋友,这是一个独立的创意写作社群。




Dear friends,

I am writing to you, in a rare hot September morning in London. The sunlight reflecting from the opposite Georgian houses is shiny enough to make me dizzy - Am I living in an illusion that this place could be my place forever?

The answer is absolutely not. I have brought myself long term luggage on the road - a feel of dislocation, in whatever places. Sometimes it’s because of the weather, like the one in London is so volatile. Sometimes it’s because of food, I have to admit food does really affect my mood though I don’t regard myself a foodie. Sometimes it’s because of cultures, I can’t bear losing the Chinese cultural elements in my daily life but when it comes with obligational duties and self-censorship, I will try to have a foot stepping across the line.

I thought I was a person easy to be satisfied with, but I am actually not. This is the truth after I travelled and lived in many places that I finally, cruelly revealed.

Life is so trivial and tedious. At the age of 45, I have this feeling and sigh. Yet, from my studies in the creative writing program at the University of East Anglia last year, I found that creative writing is born to match this sentimental, subtle psychological feeling. Creative writing is trivial and tedious, too. You need all the trivial details ( or anecdotes) to present or convey emotions, rather than the most well-known goal of telling a story. And the tedious writing practices are a must, like a daily ritual if you believe in the Muse.

I am creating this newsletter and community, as a result of feeling “sandwiched,” echoing the name of the writing platform “Sandwichina” I founded in 2011. In Chinese, my mother tongue, I always have a shyness of visiting the hometown (近乡情怯 in the Chinese saying). People are too familiar with you, too close to you, so that they think they understand you really well - this results in greater misunderstanding. And, the language itself, is like a dead-end alley in a small town. Many people live there, but with no exits for you to further explore, or just to escape. Writing in Chinese, I live like a middle-aged man, as I am now.

In English, I feel an extent of freedom, like a young man, easy to make mistakes, but eager to explore. People around you also find you new - a new writer from a new place, carrying a culture that they are unfamiliar with, and a new voice with imperfect accent, even on the page.

That’s why you could find this English letter is starkly different from the Chinese one above. I wear two distinct personalities when writing in the two languages, much divided. I don’t want to unify them but I do find some common threads beneath the surface in these two languages- they can learn from each other.

So, this is Xin Writing, a brand new newsletter by me that's just getting started, to reflect my two worlds in creative writing. I am sure, some of you could relate to it as well.

Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published.

Sincerely Yours,

Zixin Li

September, 2024

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Letter 8: “审美的愉悦”,离开伦敦我最不舍得的氛围

Letter 8: “审美的愉悦”,离开伦敦我最不舍得的氛围

这封Newsletter可能是短期之内最后一次从伦敦给大家发信啦。还有一周左右,我就将用单程票从伦敦飞上海,开启接下来一段新的生活。伦敦的房子已经退了。在那里,2022年生活的痕迹还在。 在生活发生巨大变化的时候,人其实会略显呆滞。60个运回上海的纸箱只是把家的一半掏空,另一半用手慢慢去瓦解、分化。很多书籍和物品给了在伦敦的朋友,继续延续它们的伦敦生命。一团曾经聚集在一起的生活,在一周的时间里忽然就散开了。 离开伦敦,是感到在这个阶段需要一些新的生活和工作资源的重新组合。我仍然喜欢伦敦的创作氛围,但我也想要用新的方法、新的眼睛回到母体的创作环境中,也看看能通过三明治怎么样帮助到其他的写作者。小创的事业需要在国内继续拓展,果然需要沉浸在中国文化当中去建立根系感,掌握中文读写。加上国内有更好的生活支持系统,以及离我接下来的写作主题故乡潮汕更近,这些组合因素使我对和伦敦作别没有太多遗憾。 我会争取让自己能够同步到英国的最新文学出版信息,保持和英国创意写作行业的连接。上一期介绍到我将和英国同学创办的文学杂志Bluebell 也在持续推进,最近又荣幸邀请到两位作家Joanna Pocock

Letter 7: 时间、视角和语言,非虚构的文学探索

Letter 7: 时间、视角和语言,非虚构的文学探索

亲爱的朋友,这封信写于欧洲大陆。这是我今年在欧洲大陆最后一次旅行,也是时隔十年之后的重访欧洲。很多新的认识覆盖上来,和十年前我去过的观感又有很多不同。 柏林真是一座让我觉得冷酷的城市。这里的寒冷像一支巨大的部队,到处奔袭。天上的阴郁又浓得像一块扎实的糕点,那么大的风吹也吹不开。城市里随处可见的铁轨,把乘客像军队一样运往各处,只有时刻,没有可以享受的此刻。 和作家春树在波茨坦广场地铁站道别,我钻出地面。黑乎乎的又配着白炽光的路旁搭了高台,像滑雪场一样,两名顾客各自乘坐一个黑色轮胎滑冲下来,他们连着在一起,又有轻微的相互碰撞。最终他们的笑声随着轮胎凝固在终点线。怎么会有人想出这样的游戏?我心想。 走着走着,我闯进了迷宫。十四年前来过的,欧洲被害犹太人纪念碑。在夜晚,它依旧是开放的公共建筑。地上亮着灯的游客管理条例说: Throughout the year, entry to the Field of Stelae is at the risk of the individual. 这里所说的危险,大概包括心情压抑吧。

Letter 6 :如果到北极圈驻地写作会怎样?

Letter 6 :如果到北极圈驻地写作会怎样?

日常的写作,我发现自己越来越想用英文写了。我对自己中文语感目前不太满意,英文反而表达起来流畅很多,而且更接近我想表达的方式。所以在一场10天的北欧旅行结束前,我在飞机上,在女儿不停的干扰下,仍然写下了下面大部分的句子。她对我用英文写作也很感兴趣…因为比起中文,她更看得懂: Looking out from the slats of the jalousie of the room,  I find the city full of whiteness. It is covered up by the snow last night, which dropped silently, but I realize how heavy it was when

Letter 5: 探访Tove Ditlevsens的哥本哈根

Letter 5: 探访Tove Ditlevsens的哥本哈根

本周这封Newsletter发自北欧,趁着申根签证还有效,我第一次来到了哥本哈根。对这座城市几乎第一眼就喜欢了,从中央火车站出来,没有其他大多数城市乱糟糟的场面,街道宽敞,建筑物富有设计感,行人也很有安全感。 除了去到两座惊艳的图书馆,丹麦皇家图书馆(The Black Diamond)和哥本哈根Main Library之外,我心心念念想去的是写下《哥本哈根三部曲》(中文版今年7月刚由新经典引进)的作家Tove Ditlevsens生活的街区。 《哥本哈根三部曲》英文叫Copenhagen Triology, 是Tove写的自传体小说三部曲,1985年在她去世后9年才被翻译成英文出版, 其中的最后一本Dependency 迟至2019才出版,和前两本Childhood, Youth一起被合称三部曲。纽约时报在今年将此三部曲的英文译本列为21世纪最佳100本书。 我在UEA读创意写作硕士的时候,Dependency的第一章就是我们的必读篇目之一。我被Tove安静、compelling的描述抓住了。她写和比自己大36岁的丈夫Vigo F婚后的生活,有宁静的压迫感。我在这里附上开篇的章